Tuesday, August 28, 2007

A hard day's work from my house

Because I work from a computer, I often spend my days typing furiously at home. I'm always attempt to design better and more functional sites. Like any marketer, I tend to drift off when I load up Stumbleupon. Using it, I found this great site about various work from home opportunities. I was surprised when the guy described that one of his worst experiences working was with Ebay.

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Saturday, August 25, 2007

How does acne relate to horseshoe rules ?

In horseshoe, the objective is to come as close as possible to the stake.
Throughout the entire game, you are throwing things, hoping it will stick.

Healing your acne is kind of the same thing, you have to try a ton of things until something sticks with your body.
Once this happens, you will be able to perfect your game and work your way to a completely clear face.

Of course, it helps to know the rules of the game, which can all be found on my acne site

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